Day 28


Nurturing Your Body, Mind, and Spirit

Your Progress Through the Phases

The 30-Day Sobriety Solution Program - 93% Complete
Phases I - IV Solutions - 96% Complete
Phases I - IV Solutions (after today's content) - 100% Complete

Today's Big Ideas & Your Daily Checklist

Phase IV Theme

In many ways Phase IV is best captured by this image. Wellbeing, which is defined as a state of being happy, healthy, or prosperous, is a goal for anyone looking to successfully quit or change their drinking. In this phase you learned how to accomplish this. You learned about the importance of healthy relationships and a thriving community in your life, and how to heal damaged relationships. You learned how to create balance, by embracing new activities for your new sober life, including exercising to improve your body image and confidence, help you sleep better, reduce your risk of cancer, and add years to your life. You learned about the mind/body connection, the price your body has paid from your past drinking, and how to embrace an optimal diet and drink enough water to create health and vitality. You also learned about the importance of optimism, and how to live a life that isn't controlled by negative emotions. Last, you learned how to identify and overcome fear and how to breath and meditate to reduce stress, regulate your mood, create more energy, and release toxins from your body.

A Special Message from Jack & Dave

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  • Footnotes for The 30-Day Sobriety Solution

    Deepak Chopra, A Deepak Chopra Companion: Illuminations on Health and Human Consciousness (New York: Three Rivers Press, 1999).

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